The Twin Mom Tribe

“With twins, you’re highly visible–everyone sees your caravan and crew. At the same time, you’re also invisible, as so many people simply don’t get it. I know this is true because I didn’t get it either, until having twins myself.”

This is from my latest piece on Huffpo parents, about the incredible solidarity among moms of multiples…

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When Do Twins Get Easier?

I hear this question all the time, about when it might get easier. This is my answer today: it happens all at once, and it happens over and over. They definitely get easier when you take your first family vacation that is actually fun–and find something you all enjoy equally. For me, this happened with my twin toddlers at the age of 3.5. All of us were walking on the beach in California, which one of my sons declared to be “a very deep sandbox.”

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What My Post-Twin-Pregnancy Body Teaches Me

Six months after my C-section, my ob-gyn marveled at the tidiness of my surgical scar. “Look at that! Who was your surgeon?” she crowed.

I smiled. I hadn’t peeked at the scar, which barely registered in my consciousness. The first months with infant twins, I cared only about survival and sleep. Besides, the skin above that faint gray C-section line was so incredibly strange, it wouldn’t have mattered if my doctor had installed an actual metal zipper at the point of the incision…

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The Doctor and The Stork

The Doctor and The Stork: A Memoir of Modern Medical Babymaking is now available in bookstores and on   Here’s a bit about it: There are more than 150,000 twin births every year, and over five million IVF babies have been born since the technology’s inception. In this timely and compelling memoir, K.K. Goldberg offers […]

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How Technology Gave Me Family

I have a new story on The Huffington Post, just up today. Though people say technologies like online dating or IVF or C-sections unnaturally control things, the opposite is true. They open you to whole new levels of randomness, hazard, surprise and wonder. With IVF especially it felt like I spent a year at Reproductive Burning Man: with masses of people, piles of drugs, and anticipation of a final, cathartic event.

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Twin Mom “Deek” gets it right about the looming “Twin-Pocolypse”

“An April 16 Time magazine article, “The Problem With America’s Twin Epidemic,” by Sarah Elizabeth Richards, had me nervously looking left and right for a raging epidemic of twins spawned by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Like a paired zombie horde, they would shamble across the nation, incurring unnecessary medical costs and slowly taking over…”

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When Do Twins Get Easier?

I used to google this question during stressful early months with our sons, when things got rough—where “rough” was defined as symphonic wailing, obstreperous non-eating, and/or virus-induced non-sleeping. You know, “normal,” for parents of multiples. A few years in, I have my own answer to this question.

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